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Human resources status
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Focusing on the strategic goal of "striving to become a world-class supplier of submarine cable protection solutions", Plath industry has formulated a talent strategy of "people-oriented" and "talent strengthening the enterprise".

The talent team construction goal of Plath industry is to create a leading scientific and technological talent team standing at the forefront of world technology, an excellent management talent team and a high skilled talent team with unique skills.

In order to optimize the staff structure, create a loose talent training and growth environment and attract stable talents, in recent years, Plath industry has taken a series of measures in talent team construction and "three systems" reform, successively issued or issued many documents and policies, and made great progress in talent team construction.

The main achievements of talent team construction include:

1. Actively create a cultural atmosphere conducive to talent growth and create a loose environment for talent growth;

2. Actively take measures to recruit high-quality talents;

3. Strictly control the total amount of employment and significantly optimize the structure of the staff;

4. Increasing the inclination of income distribution and basically forming an incentive mechanism conducive to the role of talents;

5. A new employment mechanism has been introduced and a diversified employment model has been formed;

6. The status boundary of cadres and workers has been broken, and the structure of skilled talents has been significantly improved;

7. Various training measures have been taken and staff training has been strengthened to comprehensively improve the quality and ability of the talent team.

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